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[发布日期]:2015-09-21  [浏览次数]:

一、主题:Exchange Rate, Product Quality and Export Price





论文摘要:We analyze the response of export prices to exchange rate changes using highly disaggregated firm-product level trade data from China during 2000-2006. We find on average a low response of export prices to exchange rates changes. However, the response is larger for exports to high-income countries. We rationale these findings with the heterogeneous response of export prices to exchange rates for varieties with different quality. An increase of quality by one standard deviation increases the elasticity of export price to exchange rates by 5.85 percentage points. This conclusion is robust to different measures of quality, samples and specifications. Compared with other dimensions such as productivity and import intensity, product quality explains a larger proportion of the total variations of export price responses to exchange rates.

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