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江深哲|On the Pacific Salmon Treaty

[发布日期]:2017-02-18  [浏览次数]:

江深哲|191期双周学术论坛:On the Pacific Salmon Treaty

一、主题:On the Pacific Salmon Treaty





ABSTRACT: This paper studies the optimal design of the Pacific Salmon Treaty, which was signed by the U.S. and Canada in 1999 to share salmon on the Pacific coast. Moral hazard exists because countries may steal from each other. If a country’s observed output is suspiciously too high, the treaty either reduces the country’s future share, or asks the country to make a monetary transfer to its opponent. A calibrated version of our model shows that it is optimal for the U.S. to pay Canada $244.9 million every 25.3 years. Switching to the optimal contract improves the total welfare by 1.47%.

上一条:周默涵| Regulation, Innovation, and Firm Selection: The Porter Hypothesis Revisited 下一条:孙美萍|190期双周学术论坛
